Tughra Books
Devoted to the Truth (Hardcover)
For decades, Fethullah Gülen spoke on religion together with science, addressed challenging issues on faith, and inspired a generation to promote education and dialogue around the world. Those who listened to him felt empowered by this engaging and learned man of religion. To the ruling establishment of Turkey, his native country, these activities were assumed to be crossing over the line, and they made sure he suffered the consequences, especially throughout the second decade of the twenty-first century. Gülen and the people he inspired were scapegoated for the failures and malfeasance of a corrupt regime which conducted a nationwide crackdown on affiliated schools, foundations, and media organizations, while hundreds of thousands of teachers, doctors, journalists, civil servants, and supporters affiliated with them were purged and incarcerated, especially in the aftermath of the “staged” coup attempt in July 2016. Devoted to the Truth is a series of essays Gülen wrote following this event. What transpires from this collection is a seasoned leader who is going through all the blood, sweat, and tears to keep his ship afloat, the crew and passengers safe and calm. When the world seems to be in darkness, we find Gülen calling out to his community that this “Eclipse” is over, and inspires them how to be “Travelers to the Light.” As he leads his followers on this journey, he teaches how they should hold themselves to account by “Facing the Self.” While feeling “Pity” for the perpetrators of all the persecution they are going through, Gülen shows the path on to how to “Heal” and take action “So Others May Live.”
Author: M. Fethullah Gulen
Publisher: Tughra Books
ISBN 9781597849548 Pages:153